Hold Tight: Book 3 of the Ain't Settlin' Series is available!
I finally finished the last installment of Ain't Settlin', a country romance between BBW Holly Sidwell and foreman hunk Jensen Williams. (I know, hunk is so corny, but I love that word. Yes, yes. I keep it out of my books.) It is over twice the length of the first work, because the readers asked for it.

It is already available in Smashwords, and All Romance E-books and Amazon.
I can't wait to see what country western title my head comes up with next, I love writing them! And BBW romances are a special favorite of mine. Look for more coming soon!
Review Pipeline: Country Roads
My last review was about Wild, Wonderful West Virginia and this next review is going to be about that very same state. I love West Virginia, and visit it often, being only an hour from the border to such beauty. The Appalachians are my favorite mountains, but no place showcases their beauty like WV.
I am half way through this book and absoutely loving it. I suggest you pick up a copy if you can and read along with me. My review is coming soon, so if you would rather wait, that is fine, but at 3.99 for the quality and the length, I highly recommend that you purchase it and read along with me.
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